Category: Courses
Cybersecurity in Context
New course: Fall 2024! In fall 2024, I will teach Cybersecurity in Context in the Legal Studies program (LS 190). The course will be based on my new textbook with Golden G. Richard III. Course Description Cybersecurity has become instrumental to economic activity and human rights alike. But as digital technologies penetrate almost every aspect…
Cybersecurity Courses @ Cal
A growing number of faculty are offering cybersecurity courses at Cal. Consider taking: The Center for Security in Politics offers a graduate certificate in security policy. Many of the electives are open to undergraduates. They include GSPP PP 155/255 Introduction to Security Policy (Professors Janet Napolitano and Daniel Sargent) PPC285 and NUCENG 285C Nuclear Security: The…
Computer Programming for Lawyers
Most recent syllabus: Spring 2023. Clients increasingly want their lawyers to understand their products and services on a technical level. Regulators need to understand how their rules will be implemented in code. Lawyers increasingly need tools to automate the process of collecting, organizing, and making sense of impossibly large troves of information. Computer Programming for…
Torts (1L)
Welcome to your first year of law school and to torts, a topic as rich as it is traditional in legal education. Torts provides an expansive lens to learn about the American legal system. This course will cover the basics of torts and in the process, the fundamental reasons and principles underlying doctrine. Learning Goals:…
Cybersecurity Working Group
We will discuss cybersecurity policy among a group of graduate, professional, and undergraduate students. The FCWG will be led by Andrew Reddie in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. Chris Hoofnagle will lead it in Spring 2025 Previous syllabi (Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2017)
Technology for Lawyers Workshop (TLW)
Technology for Lawyers Workshop (TLW) is a self-paced, two-session workshop covering the computer skills most important to success in law school. By working along and doing the exercises, you’ll become a more efficient user of your computer, and in the process, develop Microsoft Word templates you can use for law school assignments.
Inactive Courses
Privacy Law for Technologists Information privacy law profoundly shapes how internet-enabled services may work. Privacy Law for Technologists will translate the regulatory demands flowing from the growing field of privacy, information security, and consumer law to those who are creating interesting and transformative internet-enabled services. The course will meet twice a week, with the first…