FTCPL&P Reviewed in EDPL

Federal Trade Commission Privacy Law and Policy is reviewed in the current issue (Vol. 2, Issue 2) of the European Data Protection Law Review by Professor Alessandro Mantelero. Professor Mantelero says:

In his book on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Hoofnagle gives the European reader more than a historical overview of the origins and vicissitudes of the FTC. Through his analysis of the role played by the courts, Congress, and the Commission itself, he
illustrates the doctrines and dynamics that have contributed to shaping this agency. This makes the book a valuable tool for European privacy experts who wish to better understand the US regulatory approach to privacy protection and understand how political and social forces have affected the powers given to the Commission.


…Hoofnagle leads the reader through the life and logic of the most important US agency in consumer privacy protection, to give us a clearer understanding of the US privacy framework and an important counterpart in the transatlantic data protection dialogue…

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